Hours after the Galaxy J Max leaked online, Samsung has officially launched the smartphone in India. The Galaxy J Max joins the new trend of large screen smartphones, and in fact beats the likes of Xiaomi Mi Max (6.44-inch) and Asus Zenfone 3 Ultra (6.8-inch) to offer a massive 7-inch display. The smartphone is priced at Rs 13,400 and will be available through offline and online channels later this month.
Along with the Galaxy J Max, Samsung has also launched the Galaxy J2 (2016), featuring a Smart Glow notification ring around the camera module. The Samsung Galaxy J2 (2016) is priced at Rs 9,750 and will also available through online and offline channels by end of this month. Samsung is offering a free Bluetooth headset with the Galaxy J Max. It is also offering 1 year of free subscription of viu, a video on demand service.
Samsung Galaxy J2 (2016) specifications, features: The smartphone's USP is its Smart Glow ring on the back. The ring replaces the standard LED notification light, which essentially means when you get any notification on your smartphone, the ring around the camera lens will light up. You also get customization options to use specific lights for an app or contact. Besides notifications, the ring will also light up to alert about low battery, or if you are running out of storage or mobile data.
The smartphone features a 5-inch HD display. It runs on Android 6.0 Marshmallow and is preloaded with an Ultra data saving (UDS) mode powered by Opera Max, and the S bike mode that was launched along with the Galaxy J3 (2016) earlier this year.
The device is powered by a 1.5GHz Spreadtrum SC8830 quad-core processor paired with 1.5GB of RAM. It comes with 16GB of built-in storage, which is expandable using a microSD card. The Galaxy J2 also comes with what Samsung calls Turbo Speed Technology (TST), which promises faster performance. It says that this technology, all the native apps like camera, contacts or gallery will open up to 40 percent faster.
For photography, the smartphone has an 8-megapixel rear camera with LED flash and a 5-megapixel front-facing camera. Connectivity options include dual-SIM card slots, 4G LTE, Bluetooth and Wi-Fi. It is powered by a 2,600mAh battery. The Galaxy J2 will compete against a range of Android smartphones under Rs 10,000, like the Lenovo Vibe K5 Plus, Xiaomi Redmi Note 3 and Coolpad Note 3 to name a few.
Samsung Galaxy J Max specifications, features: The Galaxy J Max comes with a massive 7-inch (1280×800 pixels) WXGA TFT display. It runs on Android 5.1 Lollipop and is powered by a 1.5GHz quad-core processor paired with 1.5GB of RAM. The phablet also comes with 16GB built-in storage and supports expandable storage up to 200GB via microSD .
For photography, there is an 8-megapixel rear camera with auto-focus and LED Flash, while up front there is a 2-megapixel selfie camera. It comes with dual-SIM support, 4G with VoLTE support, Bluetooth, GPS and Wi-Fi connectivity options. The smartphone is powered by a 4,000mAh battery.
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