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Samsung Galaxy S7 has its fair share of secrets and we're going to go through a couple of basic tips and tricks to show you just what the Samsung Galaxy S7 is capable of. Word of advice, this device is way more than meets the eye and we'll tell you why.
Over the past few months, you may have noticed that the Samsung Galaxy S7 gained a lot of traction because it's an excellent device. Something that not many people know is that the device is capable of some extensive customization options. You can personalize your own home screen in so many ways. You can change the wallpaper, the grid size, the theme, and shortcuts as well. That may not seem like much but here's another hidden feature of the Galaxy S7. You can actually block swear words from your device by going into Google Voice Typing > Block Offensive Words. This can be quite helpful for the most profane users who try to use Google's voice system.
Samsung Galaxy S7 Tips
Did you know that the Samsung Galaxy S7 gives you a lot of options in customizing folders as well? If you clu tter your home screen full of folders you can sort these folders and stylize them. You can also just drag apps into a folder with quick gestures to add items quickly. If notifications annoy you on the Samsung Galaxy S7 you can go into Settings > Notifications where you can disable individual notifications and whatnot. This can be a lot less annoying for some people but it also helps with battery life as this can prevent wake locks in some cases.
What are some of your favorite tips and tricks for your Samsung Galaxy S7? Let us know by leaving a comment and do mention what the feature you use the most is.
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